Asia Carrera
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Early life and education. Asia Carrera was born Jessica Steinhauser in New York City to a German mother and Japanese man, the eldest of four siblings. She was raised on Lippincott Road in Little Silver, New Jersey, attending the Little Silver college District [citation needed] and Red Bank Regional High college.
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Watch Asia Carrera at FreeOnes Free sex videos, photo sets and biography. All Asia Carrera videos, pictures and more!
WARNING! You must be 18 years of age or older to view these pictures of Asia Carrera
Asia Carrera, pseudonimo di Jessica Andrea Steinhauser (New York, 6 agosto 1973), è un’ex attrice pornografica statunitense
Asia Carrera was born in New York New York on August 6, 1973. She is 5’9 and 110 lbs with a great set of perky 36C tits. Asia has long brown hair and amazing brown hair.