Pm Location Teen Center Fee
Dallas Bull Teen Nights Starting June 3rd Ages 13 – 17 only
Location. 8125 W 171st St Tinley Park, IL 60477 708-342-4200 View on Map. The Rec Center will be closed on Sunday, April 1, 2018. Regular Hours (Oct. 1 – April 30):
“COLLAGE PLUS I & II” with Herrat Sommerhoff THURSDAYS – Jan. 25 and Mar. 1 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm $50 for 1 session; $90 for both PRE-REGISTRATION A MUST! Give your creative spirits free reign, be inspired by those around you, learn from others’ critiques and take a finished artwork home!
Refresh and Update your Basic Computer Skills . MONDAYS, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Fremont Main Library – Ask for the new location. You can learn how to:
Official Website of Hillsborough County, Florida Government. All People’s Life Center opened in 2007 and is known as one of our showcase facilities.
After college Enrichment Programs. Parents: After college Enrichment classes held at Robert Crown or Wauconda Grade college immediately follow college release.
Events Calendar – Northlake Nature Center. 2018 (Reservations/ signup required – Call 985-626-1238, email, or register online)
May 13: Mother’s Day May 15 – 16: Food Labeling Workshop 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Room 120 Food & Agricultural Products Center, OSU Campus. FAPC will hold a public Food Labeling Workshop to provide information about FDA food labeling regulations and other related subjects to the regulated industry, particularly small businesses and startups.
Changing Lives & Strengthening Communities since 1966 . In 1966, Hans Hoffman, a psychologist, and Ben Weininger, a psychiatrist, founded the Southern California Counseling Center with a belief that no one should be denied mental health counseling because of limited financial means. Since that time, SCCC has evolved to provide an